This Will Change Your Marketing Forever!

Over the past several weeks, we’ve been discussing the fundamentals of marketing with my clients …

Click here to review the video that explains the important factors that led to the creation of these fundamentals.

Lately, we’ve been discussing the second fundamental… say it well.

I stressed how important it is that you know and understand how to use the “Conversion Equation,” and I provided you with before and after examples that I hoped proved to you the absolute power of this amazing formula. If you missed it…

Click here to review the two websites.

Notice how the “After” site follows the

to the letter, and will result in this child psychologist gaining the ability to out-market and out-sell every other child psychologist hands down.

But I ended that week’s message by telling you there is a reason WHY this works this way, and that I would share that secret with you today!

The real key to the success of the “after” site is the Informational Offer!

Let me explain why.

Click here and check out this graphic.

This may be the single, most important visual you need as a business owner in order to dominate your market.

When you understand this graphic, you will position yourself LIGHT YEARS ahead of your competition!

This is called the Buyer’s Journey, and it’s a visual representation of your prospect’s decision-making process.

This is the way most prospects decide whether or not they will buy what you sell.

They typically start on the left side and slowly progress to the right side.

They start by analyzing the benefits the product or service they’re considering for purchase will provide to them (make money, gain pleasure, provide security, boost my ego, help me look better).

Then after they analyze the benefits, they begin to encounter specific objections as to why they shouldn’t buy that product or service (too expensive, not convenient, too much hassle, not applicable).

If they make it through the benefit and objection sections, that’s when they finally reach the Now Buyer section.

This is where they’ve decided they will definitely buy the product or service, and now they need to decide WHO to buy it from (there are usually multiple competitors all vying for the exact same prospects).

But here’s the key… look what 99% of prospects are really searching for – INFORMATION!

Information is actually referring to “evidence”… the prospect is looking for evidence or proof that you truly offer them the best deal (aka – the most value for the money they will pay you).

We refer to this as “strategic marketing,” and if you will learn how to execute a strategic marketing campaign, you will see anywhere from a doubling to a ten to fifty fold increase in your leads and sales.

Look again at the Buyer’s Journey… the first thing you MUST offer your prospects is evidence relating to the benefits of what you sell.

Unfortunately, most businesses only offer their prospects “features,” such as car ads that tout 6-speed automatic with overdrive, all wheel drive, fully independent suspension, 3.6l v-6 vvt sidi engine.

There’s an old saying you need to remember… features tell – benefits sell!

Once you offer your prospects evidence regarding the benefits your product or service provides, you must next offer them evidence that will overcome their objections.

This is easiest to do in a Q & A section of a guide or report.

And finally, your prospect will need evidence that YOU are the business they should buy the product or service from.

ALL of this information is required today for any business to dominate their market and win over the lion’s share of prospects in any industry.

And yet, 99% of businesses don’t offer any form of information at all – just their phone number which attracts NOW buyers only.

Click here and let me show you an EXCELLENT example of a well-designed informational offer for a Sunroom Contractor.

Notice how this guide contains all the components we just discussed to provide prospects with evidence regarding the benefits of buying and owning a sunroom… along with overcoming the prospects potential objections in the Q & A section of the guide.

But wait… what happens when this guide convinces the prospect to buy the sunroom and they begin to “shop” for the contractor to buy it from?

That’s when you need additional evidence that highlights the benefits of buying from YOUR business versus anyone else in your industry.

Click here and I’ll show you what we call a Contractor Standards Guide that presents irrefutable evidence that this contractor is in a league all their own (use the right scroll bar and scroll down).

Imagine if YOU had something similar for your business?

Trust me when I tell you that your competition wouldn’t stand a chance of competing against you.

This is how we help our clients totally and completely dominate their markets.

This is also one of the ways I find businesses more than $10,000 in less than 45 minutes.

NO ONE is doing this, and the first business that does… WINS!

Next week, let’s wrap up our discussion of fundamental #2…say it well.

Talk to you then.

Paul Duncan

To your success,

Paul Duncan




PS: Just for reading this  -please accept a FREE download of my current E-Book –“JUMP START Your Business “ 




PSS: As a reminder that if you want to catch up at any time, please book a FREE call on my calendar

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PSSS. I’m still working on my new marketing presentation based on my ‘Everything Business Owners Know About Marketing Is Wrong’ video… and I need an additional half dozen or so struggling small business owners who might like my help to improve their website and marketing collateral in exchange for allowing me to use their ‘before’ and ‘after’ versions in my presentation.

If you know of anyone who is currently struggling to get results with either their marketing or their website… and you think they might welcome my expertise… please let me know by replying to  

With “WEBSITE ” in “SUBJECT” line

Thanks in advance!


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